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Drive-by blogging

Just because I've got the strange desire to make a list of what I've done, today (possibly because I'm not sure I want to think too much about how much around here still needs to be done, here are my accomplishments for the day, so far:
• change diapers of a serial-pooping baby
• amuse said baby, who apparently decided that 4am was playtime, by letting her try to eat my hair
• eat breakfast (a bigger accomplishment than you might think, around here)
• straighten out a problem with an online catalog order I made recently
• unload the dishwasher

Blog Terms: 

Catching up

...and, it is another late night blogging session, this time from my new iPod Touch. I actually got it a while ago, but it was after my last post. Typing is a bit weird on this thing, but I can reasonably thumb type, with a baby on my lap. I really can't do regular typing without running a substantial risk of disturbing my secondborn, as she nurses to sleep. My little darling is often quite the little bottomless pit, and today was definitely one of those days. While I certainly don't begrudge her the milk, it is a little impossible to do much else, while she's dining.

The Wee Hours, with a Wee Girl

Once again, I'm up late, with a sleepy baby on my lap, with only my knitting and the computer for company. Fortunately, I don't require a lot of company. I actually quite like having just a bit of quiet time more or less to myself. It is something I rarely get, these days, as a parent of two small children.

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A Rare Ailment

It would appear that I have contracted an affliction rare to knitters... That's right - finishitupitis. In the past three weeks, I have finished 3 works in progress (one of which was cast on nearly 10 months ago. My current main project is a pair of lace socks that I have restarted, after having to frog the first sock, for coming out too small.

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Cute Toddlerisms

Just because, here's a list of things that KB says that strike me as particularly cute. Please excuse my mom-ness...

"Snow White and the Seven Dorves"
"I'm a cwanky baby"
"Aw.... what's wong, Wiwy-bud?" (said to baby sister)
"I know, honey" (also said to baby sister)
"I'm wike a pwincess!"
"My baby is cute!" (said OF baby sister)
"I'm just like my Gwampa!" (said when she puts on a hat)

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Domestic Fit

I expected to have gone on some major cleaning binges, this week, but so far, at least, I haven't. This is possibly because I'm still running pretty short on sleep. This is not, however, to say that I haven't had some variety of domestic fits. I've gone on minor cleaning binges, I actually cooked dinner, over the weekend, I actually walked to the mall with the kids, yesterday, I've developed a wicked case of finish-it-up-itis in my knitting, and I've got homemade granola in the oven.

Blog Terms: 


Once again, I should probably be in bed, but I recently got up from an evening nap, and Arazyr and the girls are asleep, so I'm taking a bit of time to enjoy the quiet, and a bit of time to myself.

Holding Pattern

Today is my birthday. My second child is now 3 days (going to be at least 4) late, since at this hour, it is unlikely I could start and finish labor before midnight. I mean, I've only got an hour and a half until then. Over the past few days, my capacity for being able to do much of anything has degraded even further. This pregnancy has gotten pretty debilitating, and I feel like a total invalid.

An Experience I Hope Never to Have to Repeat

Good evening everyone, and welcome to my latest blog post, brought to you (like so many of them) by insomnia.

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Well, here I am, once again, sitting up knitting. It isn't as ludicrously late as it often gets, when I'm sitting up, but since I haven't gotten to bed and to sleep yet, it still might get there. I'm having fewer issues with heartburn these days, thank heaven, but that hasn't meant I've been sleeping any better - it just means I end up sitting up late, for fewer reasons. Last night, my incipient little flamenco dancer apparently decided it was time for a recital, just about the time I was trying to lie down, and drift off. I was up until about 2 am.


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