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Once again, I should probably be in bed, but I recently got up from an evening nap, and Arazyr and the girls are asleep, so I'm taking a bit of time to enjoy the quiet, and a bit of time to myself.

Job Hunt Progress, etc.

Since my last blog entry, I had two more interviews scheduled for this week. Another phone interview this afteroon, and another in-person interview for tomorrow morning. That makes a total of four interviews this week: phone interview Monday, phone interview Tuesday, in-person interview Wednesday, in-person interview Thursday. Two down: the phone interviews both went pretty well. The one on Monday went so well that they want me to come in for a second; that's the new in-person interview for tomorrow (Wed).

Blog Terms: 

Knitting Milestones, etc.

Well, I've passed the midpoint on the baby blanket I'm knitting. For this pattern, you start with 3 stitches, and increase one every row. So the middle of the blanket is pretty wide. After that, you decrease one each row, so they start getting smaller. I am a few rows into the decreases now. I know the rows I've just done are still about the length of the last few I did before the midpoint, but they feel quicker. Probably a psychological thing: before the midpoint, you could theoretically keep increasing forever; after you start the decreases, there is a definite endpoint... 8^)

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