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I Can't Think of a Good Title... and Some Knitting

I woke up this morning with optimism, and my usual Monday morning delusions of productive grandeur. I was up, showered, and dressed by 8:30. I combed out my hair, put on some makeup, and headed to the kitchen to tidy up a bit, and get some breakfast. At this point, things began to go rapidly downhill. I don't feel like going into all the details, but the least fixable issue was also the least serious, and the most serious issue will fix itself with a bit of time and a small bandage.

Blog Terms: 


Well... I really didn't intend to leave the blog sitting on a low note for so long. The semester is now over, and my usual natural optimism has been starting to reassert itself. Arazyr and I have been catching up on Dr. Who, and I just finished a pair of socks. (I may post pics and link to pattern, later). I've actually been having brief snippets of time in which I actually get sort of bored. I'm hoping this is a sign that I'll have time to write again, soon. Well, a certain little girl has just informed me that it is time to go to bed. And since, well...

Knitting Tragedy

I want to cry. Seriously. A few minutes ago, while trying to reduce the pile of cloth items that invariably accumulates in the laundry basket that habitually sits atop the dryer, I found a black (I thought) partially felted sock. I thought, "That's odd, I don't remember doing any worsted weight black socks in any yarn that would felt..."

Blog Terms: 

Miscellaneous Updates

Ok, so first, a knitting update. I did not, in fact, manage to finish even the first sock of my dad's Christmas pair, in time for Christmas morning. I ended up popping the sock in progress, needles, ball of yarn, and all, into a gift bag. When he opened it, I told him I'd continue working on it, if he'd hand it back. The first sock is now finished, and I've got almost the entire cuff of the second sock done. Here's hoping I can finish the socks, over the next few days.

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String and A Prayer

Ok, so Christmas is nearly here, and despite the fact that I decided to do very little gift knitting this year (largely on account of school), I'm significantly behind. I think I may have had a chance of making it, if I hadn't been bitten by the writing bug, right before finals. As it is, I have one gift completed, that I finished more than a month ago. The other, well... it's a pair of socks. Or rather, that's what it is intended to be. I'm on the heel flap. Of the first sock. I'm still daring to hope that I'll have the first sock completed before Christmas morning.

Blog Terms: 

Too Much to Tweet

So...after yet another long hiatus, I decided today, on my way home from class, that I have a burning desire to blog, again. At least, to blog today. Perhaps because I have enough to say that I don't care to cram it into tweets.

Look What I Found!

I've been going on cleaning binges, all week (and let me tell you, while the house is far from perfect, it looks WAY better than it did), and this morning I found the romper that I knit before Lily was born. Knowing I have larger than average babies, I made it bigger than the pattern instructed, for a newborn. Unfortunately, I apparently WAY overdid it, and she about swam in it:

Blog Terms: 

As Usual...

... I should be in bed. Instead, I'm up - knitting, listening to podcasts, blogging, and enjoying the quiet. Last night, Kate fell asleep rather early, and actually slept through. She got up relatively (but not ridiculously early), scoring probably about 12 hours of sleep. She was great, all morning. Come afternoon, however, fatigue started setting in, and, as usual, she wouldn't take a nap. I got her to snuggle up with me on the couch, while Lily slept for maybe three minutes, before she was up and moving again. She started getting squirrely.

Blog Terms: 

Not Like I Planned

Well, folks, here I am, again, up late. We had a nice little succession of little girls keeping others awake. First, Kate did a bang-up job of keeping Daddy up too late, while Lily kept me up, then Lily fell asleep, and I tried to put her in bed, and take over getting Kate to sleep, sending Arazyr off to bed. Kate woke up Lily, who then hindered Kate's falling asleep process, and prevented mine. Finally, Kate fell asleep, and I took Lily into Mommy and Daddy's room, hoping to be able to nurse her to sleep, and drift off, myself.

Catching up

...and, it is another late night blogging session, this time from my new iPod Touch. I actually got it a while ago, but it was after my last post. Typing is a bit weird on this thing, but I can reasonably thumb type, with a baby on my lap. I really can't do regular typing without running a substantial risk of disturbing my secondborn, as she nurses to sleep. My little darling is often quite the little bottomless pit, and today was definitely one of those days. While I certainly don't begrudge her the milk, it is a little impossible to do much else, while she's dining.


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