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As part of my nursing requirements, I am required to take a philosophy class. Medical Ethics, to be specific. I'm taking it now, and I can hardly wait for it to be over. Not because of the prof, though I waffle almost daily on whether I like or dislike him. Overall, I think I can deal with him. It is coping with a class that necessarily deals so much in ethical dilemmas. People often rant about how people deny or are blind to the truth, but if half the stuff covered in this class is true, I can see why they do. To protect their sanity.

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Wonders Never Cease

Well, will you look at that - a blog entry after a mere 6 month silence! Yeah, I know - I'm a terrible blogger. But that's ok, because all you non-existent readers are a terrible audience! There you go, we deserve each other.

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Bitten by the Bug

Let's just establish up front that I'm probably crazy for trying to pick up blogging again (if the sporadic nature of my updates ever qualified as "picked up", in your book), right now. I have been insanely busy for quite some time, having started nursing school this fall, around trying to keep up with the house, and my little girls. It has been a challenge for various reasons, one of which is the unique-to-itself (as far as I know) grading scale that my nursing classes use - anything below 80% is flunking, so 90% means you're scraping by with a B... barely.

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Too Much to Tweet

So...after yet another long hiatus, I decided today, on my way home from class, that I have a burning desire to blog, again. At least, to blog today. Perhaps because I have enough to say that I don't care to cram it into tweets.

A Three Year Old Applies Organic Chemistry to Life

KB:"What are you doing, Mommy?"
Mommy:"I'm doing my homework?"
KB: "What kind of homework?"
Mommy: "Organic Chemistry homework. I'm learning about protein."
KB(climbing up on couch next to Mommy): "Oh, protein."
Mommy: "Did you know that there is protein in lots of the food we eat, and then our bodies use the protein for lots of things? Like building things in your body? There is protein in your skin, and in your muscles, and your hair, and your fingernails..."

Not Like I Planned

Well, folks, here I am, again, up late. We had a nice little succession of little girls keeping others awake. First, Kate did a bang-up job of keeping Daddy up too late, while Lily kept me up, then Lily fell asleep, and I tried to put her in bed, and take over getting Kate to sleep, sending Arazyr off to bed. Kate woke up Lily, who then hindered Kate's falling asleep process, and prevented mine. Finally, Kate fell asleep, and I took Lily into Mommy and Daddy's room, hoping to be able to nurse her to sleep, and drift off, myself.

Catching up

...and, it is another late night blogging session, this time from my new iPod Touch. I actually got it a while ago, but it was after my last post. Typing is a bit weird on this thing, but I can reasonably thumb type, with a baby on my lap. I really can't do regular typing without running a substantial risk of disturbing my secondborn, as she nurses to sleep. My little darling is often quite the little bottomless pit, and today was definitely one of those days. While I certainly don't begrudge her the milk, it is a little impossible to do much else, while she's dining.

Long Overdue Update

Hey, look! It is another of my infrequent blog entries... not that it matters, as I don't think much of anybody reads this stuff, anyway, but...

I'm done with my nutrition class, and while I haven't gotten my official grade, yet, I know I'm getting an A - I got something like 96% of the possible points in the class, and that comes up as an A, pretty much no matter how you slice it. So... one class down.


...and so another large gap in the blog comes to an end.

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Sweaters, Classes, and Poison Ivy

Hey, I actually got back to this, before an entire month passed! I really need to find a way to get to this more often, because stuff that seems very blog-worthy at the time of occurrence seems less so, once a few weeks have passed, especially as any "fun" details fade.

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