And, yes, I realize I've probably said this before in different media/contexts/situations/etc., but I wanted to get it in writing somewhere accessible.
It seems to me that, the smarter the proverbial "they" try to make computers, the dumber they end up being. If just because, by trying to help you do things, they have to try to anticipate what you want to do. But in doing that, they just make it harder to do things DIFFERENTLY.
I, personally, have specific ways I like to do certain things (shocker, I know. 8^) that are frequently different than how most people do them. I have to struggle sometimes with my computer(s) to get them to let me do things how I like to, and not how the developers THOUGHT people would do them.
Plus, it seems like computers (in particular, the Operating Systems) have gotten more and more automated. They keep trying to do things FOR me, when I don't want them to. Not only do I want to do these things myself, but they keep doing them when I don't want them done.