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A Rare Ailment

It would appear that I have contracted an affliction rare to knitters... That's right - finishitupitis. In the past three weeks, I have finished 3 works in progress (one of which was cast on nearly 10 months ago. My current main project is a pair of lace socks that I have restarted, after having to frog the first sock, for coming out too small. When this is finished, I'll have only 2 projects that are officially listed as "In progress" on Ravelry, and 6 listed as "Hibernating", though one of these is only listed so, because I accidentally "started" it from my queue, when I had no plans to start it any time soon.

Alongside my finishitupitis (which a few friends and relatives are desperately trying to catch from me), I'm having a major desire to stash-bust. I seem to have a strange relationship with my yarn stash. The mere less-than-20-miles worth of yarn that I currently own is, I've found, massively dwarfed (if that isn't a contradiction) by many of the stashes I saw in the "Flash Your Stash 2010" thread on the Ravelry boards, some of which reached the hundreds-of-miles category. I really have no problem with the concept of having some sort of stash - especially one about the size of the one I have. I'm not a major stasher - the vast majority of my stash consists of yarn that falls into one of 2 categories: 1)yarn left over from previous projects, and 2) yarn that was purchased for a particular project that I subsequently changed my mind about doing (at least, with that yarn), usually after trying it, and discovering the yarn did not work well for that application). It would seem that it bothers me to have yarn for which I do not have at least general plans. I don't need SPECIFIC plans, such as a pattern, though. This is likely why having a few pairs' worth of sock yarn hanging around doesn't bother me. I know what I'm going to make out of that - socks. But the heavy worsted weight acrylic from which I was going to make a particular sweater, only to find out that I can't make fair isle work with that yarn, and further, that I don't really like garments made from yarn that thick? Having that around bugs me. I think I have an idea for it now, but having had one idea fail, and having the second idea being for no other purpose than to use the yarn up for SOMETHING? It leaves me anxious to get on with it.

So, just because... here are my current official WIPs:
1) Lace socks for a friend, being resuscitated after a trip to the frog pond (soon to be my mobile knitting, now that I have the chart once again committed to memory)
2) A lace scarf ("Branching Out", from Knitty), possibly to become my main at-home project
3) The Cabled Monstrosity, the affectionately-nicknamed huge cables-and-lace afghan for my brother and sister-in-law that has been on the needles for nearly 2 years (it is large, and intricate, which means lots of moderately high-concentration knitting time is needed - something I don't get a lot of, with two kids under 3 years old. When the weather gets colder again, it'll be my "take to Mom & Dad's" knitting [other people usually occupy the kids, there])

Updates will occur at random.

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