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Random Cry for Help With Web Site

Okay...I know Sue, I know Mark, and I know their friends. Above all I'm a little bit desperate.

See, I'm trying to get a web site up. I started by going the bare-bones route, by designing a page on Microsoft Word. It was simple and it worked.


My cucumbers, beets, carrots, melons and beans are fighting a battle that they simply cannot win. The match they have met?

Acorn squash.

I swear, during an especially rainy time I went from having a nice little path one day to having el-zilcho the next. I'm half afraid that I'll wake in the morning to tiny green tendrils around my face and hear "Feed me, Seymour."

And yet, I still have virtually no produce.

Ah, but that sounds defeatist. The truth is, I look at this year as kinda being the first pancake that gets thrown away; the next one will be better.

Grate Adventures

My left hand has seen better days, due to a chance encounter with a grater. I'm kind of big on hash browns, you see, and the way one makes hash browns is to grate them.

However, my hash browns are different. I leave the skin on the potatoes, which is healthier. More vitamins and minerals, you see.

The problem, though, is this--potato skins don't grate well. They stick. Which is a huge problem when you get right down to the last quarter or so. Which leads to the chance encounter with the grater.


I'm writing this in a little apartment in Rochester, and I'm feeling restless. I'm not quite sure what brought it on.

There are a few reasons I feel restless, from a job that "I have a pretty good shot at getting," according to the recruiter, to some very pointed questions asked by my brother about just what I am doing with my life, to the fact that one major client dried up and I'm left free-falling a bit. Most of those are negative, except for the aforementioned job, which leaves me feeling extremely hopeful and more nervous the more days I go without hearing from the recruiter.

Up Early and Stash-Busting

I'm amazed I'm up and about, right now. It is just past 7:30, and I did not go to bed until nearly 2:00. The baby went down to sleep around 12:30 - I just stayed up, reading blogs, and knitting. I suppose I should probably be doing accounts, or something, right now, but I'm sort of expecting KatyBeth to wake up any time now, wanting to be fed. So, instead, I'm blogging and knitting.

Late Nights and One Thing Per Day

It has been a while since I blogged - about two weeks, I believe... Yup, two weeks exactly (just looked it up). Being a full time mommy keeps me busy enough, but when you toss in job hunting (as yet unsuccessful, and rather frustrating, as nobody seems to want to tell you if a place decides to decline the opportunity to bring you on board, preferring to leave you hanging), and trying to maintain the house, and maybe even get it a bit cleaner, plus get some knitting done, and vainly hoping to find some time to write again... well, I imagine you can see where I'm going with all this.

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A Good Day

Today's been a good day for a number of reasons, which makes me happy. I think the primary reason is that I spent a couple hours research jobs that I'd love to be a part of. It's a nice feeling, sending out cover letters and applications, and being able to dream that this, this is a job you'd be proud to do.


Hey there. This is Chris, known to VOXers everywhere as Psychotron. I'm a freelance writer, currently operating in full "starving artist" mode, and living for the present in Rochester, Minnesota. I'm pretty much a full-fledged geek, and still getting used to the idea that you can say it without it being a bad thing. :D

Anyway, nice place. I think I'll throw a few thoughts into the blogosphere. :D Expect thoughts about anything and everything.



So, I'm done with the antibiotics from the "health scare" a couple of weeks ago, and good riddance. That stuff left a weird taste in my mouth, and made other things taste weird too. 8^( Still having intermittant back trouble. And now, a few days ago, I did something to my left shoulder/neck area in the shower Thursday morning, and so now THAT has been sore for most of the weekend. Things like that are usually worst first thing in the morning -- today, it only felt about as bad as when I went to bed, so it seems to be getting better... >^|

Finished Projects!

The VOXcast, and Mini-Lee have been completed! (:

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