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The Works of Silvermist

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The world of Jiredh has fallen into dark times. Follow the members of the Alliance of the Dragon, past and present, as they seek to protect their world and overthrow those who would harm it.
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Follow Bruin, Galen, Sabre, and Raven as they race against time to defeat a demon banished millennia ago.

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Follow Khimel and Rhiann (the children of the DF_PF heroes) and their companions, as they seek to defeat a renegade god, knowing one of them will die in the process

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Accompany Magnus Caryton and his sister knights Ramona, Kalissa, and Isala as they fight to locate the source of the demon army of Jahvan

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The Risen One counts the Lords of the Sky as his favored children, but that does not preclude him having a child by the Faedh. Journey with Mialar and her steppeland companion, Tsaren, to cleanse a demonic rift.

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Heroes from past and present join together to retrieve the long lost relics of the gods.

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Lisor and Reyel, Kiera and Arandel are the children of Lord Tainen Calasti and Lady Alezra of the Risen One. In their veins flow the blood of two gods, the Risen One and Vythen. When an ancient evil awakens in the unknown lands deep within the borders of the jugles of the Dark Lands, these youths must overcome fear and pride to become the true heirs to the gods of Jiredh.
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When dark magic lays low the family patriarch, Lord Rhiann Calasti, Lisor and Reyel join forces with an Alfaran explorer and an outcast from the Dark Lands tribes to try to find the source of the kal'toh curses that are spreading across the land.

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After Lisor and Reyel left on their journey to the Dark Lands, the time of rains comes to the city of Akhshar, bringing with it new responsibilities for Lord Tainen's other children.

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