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Good News! (have I used this title yet?)

I have a couple pieces of good news to share today.

First, I have launched (another) new gaming materials website. This new site is called Excavated Esotera.

This site is for me to post material compatible with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. The first thing I have started posting there is a project to convert the SRD Epic rules to PFRPG. I'm also planning to convert the SRD Divine rules, as well as the Variant rules on the site (that originally came from the book that inspired my site's name). I will also be posting new material, and conversions of other material I've created myself.

(Some of you may remember my announcement of Estuary some time ago. Well, I've decided to more-or-less retire that site, and start a new one. Mostly because, while I was starting to convert the material on Estuary to PFRPG, I re-discovered just how much of it was based on the Epic, Divine and Variant rules. And to convert my stuff, I'd have to at least "implicitly" convert the other stuff, so I may as well just go ahead and convert it explicitly.)

I am also very pleased to announce that I am no longer a member of the job market! After a "whirlwind romance" over the course of last week, I have a job, starting tomorrow! I am ecstatic! Frankly, we were starting to wonder where the next mortgage payment was going to come from. So I am very glad to be going back to work.

I'm also very glad about WHERE I'll be working: I'm going back to the place I was working at most of last year, and the first few months of this year. I had heard, earlier in the summer, that they were negotiating with my contract house to bring me back directly, but then didn't hear anything about it until now. I already know I like working there, and it sounds like there is a good chance of this stint going permanent, which I'm also very happy about. (I've been getting really sick of bouncing from job to job every year or two. I'd like to actually work at one place long enough to, you know, RETIRE, instead of getting laid off. 8^)

In other news, KatieBeth is getting bigger, cuter, and more talkative. She's in the "parrot" stage, repeating just about everything. I have to be even more careful what I say around her... 8^) She'll be two-years-old in just a couple months; it seems to have gone by in a flash.

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